Learn the proper check-in and check-out times. Confirm the amenities and services the hotel provides. Ask for directions, a local map. Get a card with the hotel's name, address and phone number so you can show it to a taxi driver or a passer-by in the street if you get lost.
Some hotels may provide extra services that you may not know about unless you ask for it:
- laundry service,
- hair dryers,
- voltage converters/ adaptors,
- newspaper service,
- complementary meals,
- access to fax machine, copier, printer, computer, Internet connection,
- cable TV, rental movies, video games,
- portable beds, baby cribs,
- complementary shuttle service to airport,
- rental safe for your money, jewellery, documents,
- telephone access charges,
- fees for using mini-bar,
- guided tours, excursions.
We wish you a successful and safe trip
Accommodation Travel Tips
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Vacations are the time when you can forget the practical world and indulge in the activities you always wanted to do. The best part of any vacation is the al new terrain or land that gives you enough opportunities to explore it and have the pleasures you always longed for.
And if you are going on a family vacation or honeymoon then a properly planned vacation trip is all about having the most wonderful memories which you will take back from the trip. One such way of having the best time during your vacations is going in for all inclusive vacations.
The all inclusive packages are the best way to save on money when you are going with your family for vacations. The all inclusive packages generally include cruising, meals and entertainment along with hotel rentals and other major expenses. Although these vacations help you to save a considerable amount on your vacations it is advised that you should go through the package deals carefully before paying and get definite information regarding add-ons.
The all inclusive packages help in making a holiday more enjoyable, without having to worry about the small details and their arrangements.
The majority of travelers who usually travel with the family think that the best way to enjoy vacations is by utilizing these packages. They are correct with their assumptions and there are two main reasons for this. First of all it can save them money especially where family is concerned.